Sunday, 13 July 2014

The sun does shine in Wales

This photo marks the moment when our holiday nearly went horribly wrong.
As is so often the case the distance created by passage of time has transformed it into our dinner party tale of ha,ha,ha,
The beautiful stallion facing the camera had been getting increasingly bolshy in defence of his little group of mares and foals.
Funny how you don't register that through a camera lens!
A stallion approaching at speed through a camera lens gets the old heart rate up let me tell you.
Got both the dog's dander up too.
There was a flurry, barking, lunging, hooves raised and a less than graceful retreat.
No one got hurt.
No body contact at all either equine, canine or human but nerves were definitely frayed.
It was like Niagra falls.
So off we meandered.....looking back......over the shoulder.....many times...occasionally hastening our pace.
At a safe distance we regrouped and reviewed our position. The stallion and and his entourage now blocked our path back to our starting point.
Not good. Not good at all.
Long story short:- at the end of a pleasantly tiring and exhaustingly hot day we were forced to walk considerably out of our way to get back to our car. And.....when we got there......this is what we found......this is why we now find it so funny.....

Our car was one of three in the car park and the only one surrounded by the horses. That foal was actually nibbling my tyre.
Daphne Du Maurier's 'Birds' came to mind.
But the rest of the holiday.....well....

Three cliffs bay was beautiful but the busiest beach that we visited. See how busy. I mean this fisherman was busy...right?

This beach had been busy because these are not our footprints.

Now this isn't busy.
This is hectic. This is wave chasing.

This is a shell thingy shaped like a brain.

After all the busyness we needed this tranquil location.

The view from our holiday cottage across the village green was of much interest to our border collie.

As was the view from the moor down to the village pub which serve really good food. Yay!

An early morning walk up to the moor to exercise the dogs and undo some of the indulgence in the pub the night before brought us to this little light struck beauty.

Let me just draw your attention to the beach attire of this season.......duvet/ dress and wellies. You mark my words it will be in Vogue any day now.

The beaches were really the most fabulous.
Even Hairy Herbert Senior was suitably stunned.
Like Arnie; we will be back.

1 comment:

Evita Kristapsone Art said...

Hello Lynne! Wonderful pictures and experience, did not know that there are "the most fabulous beaches" in Wales!