Friday, 6 September 2013

Gift voucher

In view of the content of,and lack of response to, the last post this latest missive might seem a little out of whack.
Let's just draw a veil over that.....for now.
Warning! I am about to use the 'C' word!

There ....I have said it.
I am making gift vouchers for Christmas.

I had the inspiration last year, too late in the season to be of use but, a friend's recent request for one for her sister got me thinking again.
Also I have been wanting to experiment with collaging photos and fabric using stitch instead of glue. These two ideas have collided in the first of the 'Quirk Strangeness and Charm' vouchers that I will be making in the run up to you-know-when.

I cut images from magazines and ironed vilene onto the reverse. Then I used zig-zag stitch on the sewing machine to stitch them onto some batik dyed fabric. A bit of washi tape too. Love washi tape. Who doesn't ?
Stitched it all to some felt......why not ...and made an envelope out of magazine pages.
I might need to refine the design but this thing's got legs.