Today is day 2 of the 5 and I am still working with the exercises from day 1's video . That is one of the beauties of these courses; the material is available for you to tackle as your own time restraints allow. And sometimes you just need to spend longer on a certain aspect. To dig a little deeper or allow things to percolate. I like that.
These 5 days of enchantment are about accessing your creativity and making time for it in a busy world where it is, so often, all too easy to feel fractured and drained and anything but creative.
Day one starts with suggested practices to help you find that still point within where you feel grounded and calm. And one of those suggestions is to find a pebble or stone from a place that has some significance to you and to carry it with you as a reminder and a link to the peace of that place.
This pebble was picked up many years ago at Auchmithie, a beach on the East coast of Scotland.
It is rare for me to go walking with the dogs and not return with a stone, bone feather or leaf. This is not something that I have done as a conscious practice but I will now do with an altered awareness.
These are from my ever expanding collection that mostly sit on the wall outside my back door.
My outdoor space is really just a yard. Any green thing puts down roots in a pot. So practice number 2, going barefoot to connect with the earth, was a bit limited.
There are many other more lush and green places that I could have gone and will do one day soon but the old time constraints came into play and I had to make do. I visualised the spot where I placed my feet connecting stone by stone, soil particle by particle, molecule by molecule to every lush and green place on the earth. I felt myself tiny in the cosmos. Most of my worries became like dust on the wind and the things that truly matter stood like a mountain range, undisturbed by time or tempest. I liked that a lot.