Saturday, 12 January 2013

Time Thief, Targets and Results

 The week started with a sad farewell to an old faithful. Hairy Herbert the Younger ate my wallet and all my bank cards and loyalty cards. Luckily for him, and for me, he doesn't like the taste of money. Consequently the pristine bank notes that came from the cash machine that very morning, survived the brutal attack without a tooth mark or slobber stain. This sorry tale appears here because it is an example of how the time thief works. I spent a morning, that I had put aside for making, phoning around to replace cards and traipsing into town to buy a new wallet.
Bad dog! But hey, nice new purse in Accessorize and eyes drawn to a lovely handbag in the sale which, whoops,  I just had to have.

The next hurdle was facing the clutter of the work bench

 Then a very successful collaboration with my friend Kirsty took my chair from drab to fab on Wednesday. All it took was a bit of silver paint, some felted jumpers and Kirsty's considerable upholstery know how.
We are planning more joint projects and her work will be available, as space permits, in the shop. Very exciting!
 The rest of my making time this week has been focused on trinkets for Valentine's and Mother's Day.  Promise jars are an idea that I am working on. Each jar is filled with 12 scrolls of paper which can be inscribed by the gift giver with promises that will make the recipient feel loved and cherished. I am thinking that giving the gift of one's time is always appreciated and that in these cash strapped days it seems like an appropriately thrifty way to show how much you care. I think the jars will be about £4 - £4.50. And for those who really do have more time than money it is and idea that anyone can adapt to suit.

And then...... having had an enjoyably crafty time myself.... I went off to make a cup of tea and found this....... then just a work in progress, in Ramblin' T's workspace .....

I think this may be another marmite piece.

And to go with Marmite....tea. Or rather little knitted teapots which sit snuggly around one of those chocolates that the ambassador so loves to have.

My old art college tutors would deny all knowledge of me if they could see what I get up to these days but these little teapots make me very happy.