Wednesday, 29 May 2013

A family of dolls

Do you remember Cecily? Bought for next to nothing in a charity shop.
You may notice that shoe number two never did get made.
Anyhoo, it matters not. What I really wanted to tell you was that she now has a friend. Also from a charity shop. I took pity on her because she was naked and had fishnet tights! Wholly inappropriate I thought.
I have been thinking ,for a while, about making some soft toys and with that in mind I had picked up a book from the local library: Knitted Dolls with a designer wardrobe by Arne and Carlos. That's where the pattern for the skirt and cardy came from.
The new tights are a pair of socks revamped.

Arne and Carls employ a very clever technique for constructing their dolls. All knitted in the round and stuffed as you go. So after the last cast off, voila! You have a doll. I love this because I hate, hate, hate, sewing up fiddly little bits. I made a few adaptions to their design but that is the beauty of their book, you can add your own tweaks.
And this is my first attempt with felted hair.

Now I have a family of dolls.

And I will be making more.