A suitcase of carefully saved and ironed wrapping paper. Not the work of my own hand though it could well have been. I am not a natural thrower outer. In fact this new year I made a commitment to de-clutter.
Every nook, surface cupboard and drawer in this house and in my studio is full to capacity and then some.
And clutter drains energy. We know that.
People write books about it.
I have read some.
Clutter derails any attempts at organisation and absorbs much time that could be spent doing good things domestically and creatively. So IT HAS TO GO!
How achingly typical that in the wake of this commitment and the few stumbling steps I have taken on the path to minimalism ( joke) and serenity I am now drowning in someone else's clutter. Namely said suitcase and the further contents of an elderly relative's house. Not that I mind in theory. It is a job that needs to be done for someone we care about and for whom we are the frontline advance party in her transition from independent, feisty, old-bird to care home dwelling, feisty, old-bird. But it is testing my fledgling status as a woman of tidiness and order.
Quite why then, in the midst of chaos, I decided to lay out my stash of beads and in the manner of a recovering addict face and share the full glorious riot of it is beyond reason.
Except I suppose using said stash is a decluttering of a scrumptious and enjoyable kind. The kind of decluttering that I can get lost in for hours. Even
more gratifying is that these have been well received by friends on Facebook. So, these may well become part of my new stock on Etsy and will definitely be available to buy in my studio/ shop.
Win win I'd say.
And some of that carefully sorted wrapping paper is waiting in the wings to reappear in collage.